Jakarta, Kowantaranews.com -In the stifling summer heat of Gaza, the harsh realities of war manifest in the most basic aspects of daily life. Children in sandals trudge through water contaminated with sewage, scaling growing mounds of garbage in the crowded tent camps for displaced families. The foul conditions, exacerbated by the odor and filth, have become inescapable, akin to the constant hunger pangs and the sounds of bombing.
The ability to dispose of garbage, treat sewage, and deliver clean water has been virtually decimated by eight brutal months of conflict between Israel and Hamas. The war has left Gaza’s infrastructure in ruins, significantly worsening living conditions and raising health risks for hundreds of thousands of people deprived of adequate shelter, food, and medicine. Aid groups report that the region’s health crisis is deepening, with Hepatitis A cases on the rise and fears of a potential cholera outbreak as the warmer weather persists.
Read More : Israel Orders Evacuation of Khan Younis, Affecting 250,000 Palestinians Amid Intensifying Gaza Conflict
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Read More : Head of Gaza’s Largest Hospital Released by Israel After Seven Months of Detention
The United Nations, various aid groups, and local officials are scrambling to build latrines, repair water lines, and restore desalination plants to address these dire conditions. Despite these efforts, the situation remains critical. COGAT, the Israeli military body coordinating humanitarian aid efforts, has stated that it is working to improve the hygiene situation. However, the needed relief is still desperately awaited by the people living in these squalid conditions.
Photos from the scene show Palestinian children sorting through trash at a landfill in Nuseirat refugee camp and families gathering to fill water jugs near one of the few functioning desalination plants in Deir al-Balah. These images capture the stark reality of life in Gaza, where basic human needs are a constant struggle amid the ongoing conflict.
As aid groups and international bodies strive to bring some measure of relief, the urgency for improved living conditions remains paramount. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza underscores the need for swift and effective action to prevent further health deteriorations and to provide some semblance of normalcy and dignity to the lives of those affected by the war. *Mukroni
Source apnews.com
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