Jakarta, Kowantaranews.com -The recent proposal to provide nutritious free meals for children at a cost of Rp 7,500 per meal has ignited a significant public debate and drawn considerable attention. This initiative, which aims to ensure that children receive at least one healthy meal a day, is part of a broader strategy to combat malnutrition and improve public health across Indonesia. The suggestion to reduce the cost per meal from Rp 15,000 to Rp 9,000 or even Rp 7,500 was brought to light after economist Heriyanto Irawan’s meeting with the Task Force of President-elect Prabowo-Gibran. Irawan emphasized that the objective is to make the program more cost-effective and inclusive, allowing it to reach a larger segment of the population.
Muhadjir Effendy, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, stated that a meal budget of Rp 7,500 is quite substantial for certain regions, indicating that the government is still in the process of finalizing the specifics of the policy. “I believe that in certain areas, Rp 7,500 is more than sufficient,” Effendy remarked during a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, July 18, 2024. He assured that the policy is being carefully considered to ensure its effectiveness and sustainability.
The proposal has been a hot topic on social media platforms, where users have been actively discussing and comparing the proposed budget for children’s meals with the food budget allocated for prisoners. According to data from the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjen Pas), the average daily food budget for prisoners in 2020 was Rp 17,000 for three meals, which translates to approximately Rp 5,666 per meal. This comparison has fueled discussions, with many netizens conducting simulations to determine what kind of meal can be procured for Rp 7,500.
Yunaedi, the Director of Prisoner Development and Work Training Production, shed light on the efficiency of the prison food budget, highlighting that the allocation for prisoner meals includes measures to optimize costs. He noted that the provision of remissions (sentence reductions) has contributed to significant savings in the food budget for prisoners, amounting to Rp 53,093,040,000. “The average cost of Rp 17,000 per day per prisoner for meals is managed with efficiency measures in place,” Yunaedi explained.
When compared to the proposed Rp 7,500 budget for children’s meals, the difference in cost per meal is approximately Rp 1,834, nearly Rp 2,000. This discrepancy has been a focal point of the debate, with many questioning the feasibility and nutritional adequacy of providing a healthy meal for children at such a low cost.
Airlangga Hartarto, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, addressed the concerns by clarifying that the budget for the Nutritious Free Meal Program (MBG) will vary depending on the region. “Each region has different needs and circumstances, so the budget allocation will reflect that,” Hartarto said during a press conference for the launch of Geoportal Kebijakan One Satu Peta 2.0 in Jakarta. He emphasized that the program’s budget of Rp 71 trillion, as outlined in the 2025 draft state budget (RAPBN), will be used effectively to meet the program’s goals. “The Rp 71 trillion allocation in the RAPBN 2025 is intended to support the program comprehensively. The specifics of the implementation will be discussed further to ensure we meet our objectives,” Hartarto added.
The government’s commitment to addressing child nutrition through the MBG program underscores a significant effort to improve public health outcomes. However, the debate over the meal budget highlights the challenges of balancing cost-effectiveness with nutritional adequacy. Public reactions and social media discussions reflect widespread interest and concern, indicating that the policy’s finalization will be closely watched by various stakeholders, including parents, health professionals, and policy analysts.
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As the government continues to deliberate on the optimal budget and implementation strategies, it remains to be seen how the MBG program will be structured to meet its ambitious goals. Ensuring that children receive nutritious meals is critical for their growth and development, and the success of this initiative will depend on careful planning, efficient execution, and ongoing evaluation.
The coming months will likely see further discussions and adjustments as the government seeks to align its policies with the needs of the population and the realities of budget constraints. Stakeholders from various sectors are expected to contribute to the dialogue, providing insights and recommendations to help shape a program that is both effective and sustainable. The final outcome of these deliberations will have a profound impact on the well-being of millions of children across Indonesia, making this an issue of paramount importance. *Mukroni
Source Gelora
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