• Ming. Jan 26th, 2025



Warteg Tiga Jari (WITIR) Backs Pramono Anung and Rano Karno for 2024 Jakarta Elections


Okt 8, 2024
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Jakarta, Kowantaranews.com -Warteg Tiga Jari, also known as Witir, has recently made headlines with its full endorsement of the PDIP candidates Pramono Anung and Rano Karno for the upcoming 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

This endorsement highlights a significant alliance within Jakarta’s political landscape, focusing primarily on the empowerment of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and enhancing the financial independence of local businesses.

Support for SMEs and Financial Independence
Warteg Tiga Jari’s support is particularly crucial given the economic challenges that Jakarta faces, especially for small businesses that play a vital role in the local economy. The pair’s agenda emphasizes not only the development of SMEs but also the creation of opportunities for job training and education, which are essential for fostering a skilled workforce.

Mukroni, the coordinator of Witir, has been vocal about the importance of this focus, as it aligns with the aspirations of many Jakarta residents who seek a more prosperous and equitable urban environment

Leadership Experience of Pramono Anung
Pramono Anung’s extensive background in politics adds considerable weight to this candidacy. Having served as a minister and deputy chair of the House of Representatives, he brings a wealth of experience in governance that is crucial for addressing the complexities of running a diverse and populous city like Jakarta.

Mukroni expressed his confidence in Pramono’s leadership abilities, asserting that his experience positions him well to tackle the various challenges that Jakarta faces.

Rano Karno, affectionately known as Bang Dul, is also recognized for his cultural contributions and engagement with the community, particularly through his role in the popular soap opera “Si Doel Anak Betawi,” which resonates deeply with the local populace

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The “Three Fingers” Gesture
The campaign’s signature “three fingers” gesture has become a powerful symbol of unity and support among their followers. This gesture not only signifies their ballot number but also serves as a rallying point for the campaign, enhancing the sense of community and togetherness among supporters. It has been prominently featured at rallies and public events, energizing the campaign and fostering an environment of collective action toward their goals.

Vision for Jakarta’s Future
The vision articulated by Pramono and Rano aims to transform Jakarta into a global city that is economically vibrant yet socially inclusive. Their focus on education and job training is pivotal in ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to thrive in an increasingly competitive environment. This aligns with the desires of many Jakarta residents who are eager for improvements in their quality of life and access to resources.

As the election date approaches, the momentum generated by Witir’s support is evident. The collaboration emphasizes not just a political alliance but a commitment to addressing the needs and aspirations of Jakarta’s residents. The candidates’ focus on SMEs and human resource development resonates strongly with voters seeking tangible improvements in their daily lives. Mukroni’s advocacy for these initiatives highlights the urgency of empowering local communities and ensuring that they are active participants in Jakarta’s growth.

Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Warteg Tiga Jari’s endorsement of Pramono Anung and Rano Karno represents a significant moment in Jakarta’s political narrative. With a clear focus on empowering SMEs and enhancing the financial independence of local businesses, this partnership aims to create a more equitable and prosperous urban environment.

The leadership experience of both candidates, combined with the symbolic “three fingers” gesture, sets the stage for a compelling campaign that resonates with the aspirations of Jakarta’s residents. As they move forward, the support from various community elements, including Warteg Tiga Jari, will be crucial in achieving their vision for a better Jakarta. *Roni

Foto Kowantaranews

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