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Outrage Erupts After Israeli Police Dog Brutally Attacks Elderly Palestinian Woman


Jun 28, 2024
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Jakarta, Kowantaranews.com   -A harrowing incident has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation after a leaked video surfaced on Tuesday showing an Israeli police dog brutally attacking an elderly Palestinian woman inside her home. The attack occurred during a raid by Israeli forces on the Jabalia refugee camp several weeks ago.

The disturbing footage, obtained by Al Jazeera, captures the traumatic moment from a camera mounted on the dog. It shows the 66-year-old woman, Dawlat Al Tanani, screaming in terror as the dog viciously mauls her. The video has been widely circulated on social media, sparking fury and condemnation from various quarters.

Dawlat Al Tanani, who sustained severe injuries and fractures in the attack, recounted the horrifying ordeal to Al Jazeera. She explained that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) unleashed the dog on her because she was resisting eviction from her home. “I refuse to be forced out of my house, nor will I abandon my home. So the Israelis set a dog on me, which bit me while I was sleeping in my bed. It dragged me and pulled me all the way to the entrance door,” she said.

The elderly woman’s injuries have remained untreated due to the lack of medical facilities. “Now I have a serious injury. There are no hospitals or anything to treat my injury. My hand is still untreated,” she added.

The incident has intensified accusations against the IOF of employing severe forms of torture and violence against civilians, challenging its self-proclaimed status as “the most moral army in the world.” Social media users have widely shared the video, expressing shock and condemnation at the extent of the IOF’s actions to inflict pain and suffering on Palestinians.

Many activists and commentators have highlighted that the use of police dogs against civilians is not a new practice by Israeli forces. “Israel/Zionist Occupiers brutality clearly has no limits…training dogs to rape and attack Palestinians. The daily massacres (are) getting (more) gruesome by the day,” commented one social media user.

The attack on Dawlat Al Tanani is seen as part of a broader pattern of aggressive and violent tactics used by Israeli forces in the occupied territories. Over the years, numerous reports and videos have surfaced, documenting instances of excessive force, torture, and human rights abuses committed by the IOF against Palestinian civilians.

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Read more : Netanyahu Announces Imminent Conclusion of Gaza Conflict’s Intense Phase

The international community has repeatedly condemned such actions, calling for accountability and justice for the victims. However, despite widespread criticism, the cycle of violence and brutality continues, exacerbating the already dire situation in the occupied territories.

Human rights organizations have been vocal in their denunciation of the use of attack dogs by Israeli forces. They argue that this practice constitutes a severe violation of human rights and international law. The recent incident involving Dawlat Al Tanani has only served to highlight the urgent need for international intervention to protect Palestinian civilians from such brutal tactics.

The use of dogs in military operations is considered controversial and inhumane by many. Dogs are trained to inflict maximum damage and instill fear, often resulting in severe injuries or even death. The psychological trauma inflicted on victims, particularly elderly and vulnerable individuals like Dawlat Al Tanani, is profound and long-lasting.

In response to the leaked video, various human rights groups have called for an immediate investigation into the incident and for those responsible to be held accountable. They have also urged the international community to take concrete steps to prevent further abuses and ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians.

The plight of Dawlat Al Tanani is a stark reminder of the ongoing suffering endured by Palestinians living under occupation. It underscores the urgent need for a just and lasting resolution to the conflict, one that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals involved.

As the video continues to circulate, it serves as a powerful testament to the resilience and courage of those who, like Dawlat Al Tanani, refuse to be silenced or driven from their homes despite the immense challenges they face. Her story is a poignant reminder of the human cost of the conflict and the urgent need for peace and justice in the region.

The controversy surrounding the use of attack dogs by Israeli forces is not new. Over the years, there have been numerous instances where dogs have been used to intimidate, injure, and even kill civilians. These incidents have often gone unreported or have been dismissed by authorities, leading to a culture of impunity among those responsible for such actions.

The psychological impact of such attacks on victims and their families cannot be overstated. Many survivors of dog attacks report experiencing severe anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The trauma of being attacked in one’s own home, a place that should be a sanctuary, can be particularly devastating.

The international community has a crucial role to play in addressing these abuses and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable. Governments, international organizations, and civil society groups must work together to pressure Israel to end its use of attack dogs against civilians and to adhere to international human rights standards.

In addition to holding perpetrators accountable, it is also essential to provide support and assistance to the victims of such attacks. This includes medical treatment for physical injuries, psychological support for trauma, and legal assistance to seek justice.

The story of Dawlat Al Tanani is a tragic reminder of the urgent need for a comprehensive and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As long as the occupation continues, so too will the cycle of violence and suffering. It is incumbent upon the international community to redouble its efforts to bring about a just and peaceful resolution that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals involved.

In the meantime, Dawlat Al Tanani and countless other Palestinians continue to endure unimaginable hardships. Their resilience and determination in the face of such adversity are a testament to the human spirit and a powerful reminder of the urgent need for change. The world must not turn a blind eye to their suffering. *Mukroni

Source  moroccoworldnews.com

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