Jakarta, Kowantaranews.com -The video of Badr Dahlan, a 29-year-old Palestinian, went viral recently. In it, Dahlan, who had just been released from Israeli custody, appeared to be in a state of shock, wide-eyed and rocking back and forth. Those who knew him described him as a socially active and beloved young man, but he seemed utterly transformed by his month-long detention. Dahlan’s experience of beatings, torture, and abuse is not an isolated case. It highlights a broader issue that has largely been ignored amid the ongoing Gaza conflict: the plight of thousands of Palestinians held without charge in Israeli detention.
The Scale of Detention
Since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict in October 2023, there has been a significant increase in the number of Palestinians detained by Israel. According to Jenna Abu Hsana, the international advocacy officer at Addameer — the Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association based in Ramallah — there are currently about 9,200 prisoners from the West Bank and the Occupied Territories. Of these, approximately 3,200 are held under administrative detention.
Administrative detention is a policy that allows Israel to detain Palestinians for extended periods without charge or trial. These detainees are held based on secret evidence that is not disclosed to them or their lawyers, effectively bypassing internationally accepted judicial procedures. This practice leaves detainees in a state of limbo, unable to challenge their detention or even understand the accusations against them.
Conditions of Detention
The conditions faced by Palestinian detainees are harsh and often inhumane. Reports from NGOs monitoring the situation indicate widespread abuse. Detainees are frequently subjected to physical beatings, torture, and other forms of ill-treatment. Access to family members and legal counsel is severely restricted, if not entirely denied.
For those held in Gaza, the situation is particularly dire. Detainees are often kept incommunicado in military camps under the Law on Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants, which Israel introduced in 2002. Under this law, detainees can be held indefinitely without charge or trial. They are frequently handcuffed and blindfolded for the duration of their detention, with the plastic zip ties used causing serious injuries.
Medical Neglect
Medical neglect is another serious issue within Israeli detention facilities. In April, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on a letter sent by a distressed Israeli doctor working at the Sde Teman detention facility. The doctor described routine severe injuries among detainees caused by overly tight handcuffs. Two detainees had even required leg amputations. The doctor expressed deep ethical concerns, stating that the treatment of detainees violated both Israeli law and the basic medical commitment to patient care.
UNRWA’s Findings
The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has documented numerous cases of abuse and ill-treatment among detainees. According to their report, detainees have endured beatings, deprivation of food and water, and other forms of physical and psychological abuse. Many detainees reported being forced into cages and attacked by dogs, with some showing dog bite wounds upon their release. These findings paint a grim picture of the conditions faced by Palestinians in Israeli detention.
The Legal Battle
Human rights organizations within Israel and internationally have been working to bring attention to these issues. In late May, several Israeli human rights groups petitioned the Supreme Court to close the Sde Teman detention facility. The Israeli government has since agreed to scale back activities at the camp, and the court has ordered a report on conditions at the facility to be submitted by June 30.
However, the situation at Sde Teman is just the tip of the iceberg. The broader issue of administrative detention and the treatment of Palestinian detainees remains largely unaddressed. NGOs like B’Tselem and Addameer continue to advocate for the rights of detainees, calling for an end to the practice of administrative detention and for detainees to be charged and tried in accordance with international legal
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International Response
The international community has been slow to respond to the plight of Palestinian detainees. While there have been statements of concern from various human rights organizations and some governments, concrete action has been limited. The situation requires urgent and resolute intervention to address the ongoing human rights violations.
The UN has condemned the treatment of Palestinian detainees, with UNRWA and other agencies documenting numerous cases of abuse. However, more needs to be done to hold Israel accountable for its treatment of detainees and to ensure that the rights of Palestinians are protected.
The plight of Palestinian detainees in Israeli custody is a pressing human rights issue that has been overshadowed by other aspects of the Gaza conflict. Thousands of Palestinians are being held without charge or trial, often in harsh and inhumane conditions. The use of administrative detention and the treatment of detainees violate international legal standards and require urgent attention from the international community.
As the stories of detainees like Badr Dahlan come to light, it is crucial that the world takes notice and acts to address these injustices. The situation calls for immediate intervention to ensure that the rights of Palestinian detainees are upheld and that those responsible for abuses are held accountable. The international community must not turn a blind eye to the suffering of Gaza’s overlooked hostages. *Mukroni
Source arabnews.com
Foto Kowantaranews
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